Revised Vienna VA real estate tax rate for 2024 Town of Vienna Real Estate 2024 fiscal year tax rate shall be $.195 (or 19.5 cents) per every $100 of assessed value. Real estate taxes are paid annually in two installments, due July 29, 2024 and December 5, 2024. The town’s real estate tax rate is 19.5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. Town of Continue Reading
Vienna helps pick up hurricane debris
One of the benefits of living in the Town of Vienna Virginia happens after big storms like Hurricane Irene pass through the area. That's when the Town sets up a special day to pick up all those broken branches that fell into our yards... and all you need to do is set them out at the curb. Vienna's storm debris pick up day is September 6, Continue Reading
Fairfax County Real Estate Tax Rate 2010-2011
Fairfax County, Virginia has announced the new property tax rate for the 2010-2011 fiscal year. Real Estate: It shall be $1.09 per every $100 of assessed value. In Fairfax County, VA, home owners pay their real estate taxes twice a year, July 28th and on December 5th. If you have questions about your assessment, how to pay your bill, or Continue Reading