If you like to bike and use the W&OD trail or if you walk or jog, then you may want to know about this connector trail in Northeast Vienna, just inside the Town of Vienna, VA line. And if you don't know, the W&OD Trail goes for 45+ miles from Arlington, Falls Church, Vienna, Reston, Herndon, Ashburn and all the way to Leesburg. About 3/4 Continue Reading
Going Green in Northern Virginia
I recently commented on a question posted on the Trulia web site regarding Going Green when making upgrades to your own house. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the number of issues and choices, and a recent survey showed that 90% of homeowners thought Going Green was important. The person asking the question simply wanted to get an idea of where Continue Reading
In the Northern Virginia, you need a driving strategy.
Talk to anyone who has been in the area for a day or two, and I'm sure the topic of traffic will come up. How long it took to drive to work or the tie up on the beltway for no other reason than heavy volume. It is the smart people who factor that in when looking for a home to buy. And the reality is that paying an extra $250k may just save your Continue Reading