Twice in the past month I have sat with clients at closing and they asked, “where is the house survey?”
The house location survey is an accurate drawing of the property that will show the corners, fences, driveway, house, shed, deck, or patio and include some very important measurements.
Your lender doesn’t require it
In my twenty one years as a Vienna real estate agent, I have always seen the house location survey because it was a lender requirement. But apparently that has changed for most mortgage lenders recently… and my clients weren’t especially happy about it.
Having a survey is important if you ever want to build a fence, add a deck or know if your neighbor’s shed is on your property.
Maybe it’s just me, but not having a survey done when you are buying a home is a ridiculous idea. With all of the new requirements and multiple hoops that real estate buyers have to jump through these days to get a mortgage, dropping the requirement of having a survey is absurd since they only cost about $250.
When you are meeting with your mortgage lender, ask if there will be a survey done. If they tell you that it isn’t required then I recommend that you contact the settlement company or escrow officer and get one made by a licensed land surveyor.
Tell me what your house survey disclosed to you!
Oh, and by the way, ask your lender why they don’t need a survey?