Dave was sitting watching the Pittsburgh Steelers one windy Sunday with his iPad in his lap when he started his moving project… and that’s when he found me in his Google search results.
So, what are you looking for?
Or, what are you interested in reading about? Yes, blog ideas are wanted!
What burning question have you been unable to find a good answer for? It happens to me, so it must happen to you too. You can always scroll down to the footer to search this site, but if it still doesn’t help then let me know because it could be an excellent topic for me to blog about.
(yes, this is research for me to ask consumers, like you, what is important to you these days?)
A few years ago, I asked people to email me ideas or suggestions on real estate related topics that they were interested in, or interested in getting my perspective on.
Conversation is essential to making this blog informative and helpful. And honestly, most web sites these days are after getting you to buy something ~ let’s take the Internet back with conversation!
The results were some of the most popular blog posts:
- How to Get Your Home Ready to Sell in 30 Days
- Vienna Real Estate Guide
- Things You Should Know Before Moving to Northern Virginia
Everyday I am either looking at homes, talking with mortgage lenders, going on inspections, attending workshops or helping a seller get their home for the market. I see plenty of new homes, talk with builders, comprehend pricing, and explain the months-long process of buying a tear down in Vienna and building custom homes.
And then there are lawyers who I ask title questions, look over surveys, talk about title insurance policies and like to discuss the closing process and the HUD-1 Settlement Statement.
What’s your question?
There’s a lot in my head… and it’s time to open the vault!
Please send me an email at doug@dougfrancis.com with a question ~ maybe something that will help another reader in the future.