What the heck?
It isn’t often that I ride the RE/MAX corporate bandwagon but you might just win a little cash in this social media contest.
You may have seen this ad campaign on TV recently (I did) and here is an opportunity to put all that pent up creativity to work to possibly win a $750 Apple Gift Card or possibly $10,000!
Hurry, the contest ends July 22, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time. Yup, RE/MAX International is based in Denver and all the legal stuff is on their web site such as you need to be 18… blah, blah, blah. And keep it about real estate please, thanks!
Take a look at this promo video to get the gist:
It seems like I can’t be a contestant because of some silly rule… but it would be really cool if you won! ~ Let us know here if you entered ~