Doug Francis
Licensed in Commonwealth of Virginia: Real Estate Board – Salesperson License Number 0225 021708 Expires: 12-31-2009
There are no complaints filed with the Virginia Department of Occupational Regulation (DPOR)
My Real Estate Broker:
Presidential Properties Inc.
RE/MAX Presidential
3028 Javier Road Suite 100
Fairfax VA 22031
Doug Francis does not have affiliated business relationships with or is not compensated for referring mortgage lenders, home inspectors, termite guys, movers, framers, cleaners, photographers, radon inspectors, radon re mediators, environmental engineers, roofers, plumbers, electricians, printers, attorneys, settlement agents, title insurance agencies, surveyors, appraisers, credit unions, tree men, landscapers, the USPS, WordPress, YouTube, Google, yard sign guys, insurance agencies, restaurants, dry cleaners, Town of Vienna, W & OD Bike Trail, Verizon, DocuSign, PureDigital Technologies, MicroCenter, MRIS, FranklyMLS… I’m sure I will add more so there isn’t any confusion.
Please let me know if you have concerns about something you have read on the blog.
All material is copyrighted and can be used with permission of the author, Doug Francis2009
This policy is valid from 20 October 2009
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