Beulah Road, within the Vienna Town limits, was rebuilt in 2007 after twenty years of debate and multiple redesigns. This reconstruction started with the base road, added a storm water management system, replaced the 10” water main, added curbs and gutters, sidewalks and new above ground utility poles. The road was widened slightly but kept its character as a two lane road through the hilly section of North East Vienna.
Although there was less impact than the original 1980’s design, there was significantly more tree work performed than expected. These things happen during construction projects, but the guidelines regarding utility lines and their “clear zones” resulted in some serious tree pruning.

The Giant White Oak on Beulah Road in Vienna
Now that the project has been completed and many homeowners have landscaped their yards, it will take twenty or more years for the mature trees to fill back in. There are a number of places a (future) large tree could be planted where there is not an overhead power line, and these will set the future look of the area.
Over the years, when I turn off busy Maple Avenue onto Beulah Road, buyer clients have always smiled hoping to find their new home in this part of town. Clients from California or Colorado have told me many times how lucky I am to live in an area where we have such tall, majestic trees.
There are red and white oak, maple, pine, sycamore and elm trees. Some are twenty five years old, but there is one white oak that I feel is one hundred fifty years old across from Holy Comforter Church. These provide the unique canopy that sets this area apart from much of Northern Virginia.

Allee Elm taken in 2007
When I lived on Commons Drive in Vienna and was president of the home owner’s association, I had to replace four thirty-five year-old white pines that had been damaged in an ice storm. The result was a unique planting space that was facing Nutley Street and had no power lines to contend with as the tree grew. It was also a corner island in full sunlight with room for the roots to spread without competition. So for this spot I selected an Allee Elm which will grow into a monster street tree, 60’ tall by 50’ wide, and it has been growing like a champion since it was planted in 2003.

Same Allee Elm at corner of Commons and Nutley in Vienna, Virginia taken July 2009
I want to inspire the Vienna community to look for open spaces so we can replace the significant number of trees we lose every year to old age and development. The environmental impact is significant since trees create necessary cool zones in our increasingly paved community. It may take some effort motivating the town to sponsor a program in these days of tight budgets and I may establish a plan myself through a tree foundation of like minded residents… a small local group. If you are interested, contact me right now. With a clear vision I believe that everyone wins, today and twenty years from now.