Last month, 454 people landed on my post Things You Should Know Before Moving to Northern Virginia which I wrote a few years ago. Readers are searching online for information and read the whole article… so I know that a lot of people are researching moving here.
Things to know is a really good start, but there is more in a section titled Living Here that you will find gives you extra insight. Some articles in this section were written by local Vienna Moms too.
I actually live and work here in Northern Virginia and, unlike blog posts on national web sites like Zillow, am not a professional writer hired to write about a town that I don’t know. I live in Vienna, and have clients in every community you will see on this site today. And if you don’t see something specific then send me an email and I’ll follow up with you!
So, here are important questions:
- Where will you be working?
- Will you ride the Metro?
- Do you want a new home or is resale okay?
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